Friday 9 December 2011

Reflections for 9th December 2011

Last lesson before the presentation. I'm worried, stressed and actually pretty calm, all things considered. (Yes, that makes no sense, but that's how it is). M and Y both lost their work, which they'd saved on the computers. Someone erased it, accidentally or not I don't know. Y doesn't really care much, for some reason: he's just fooling around a lot. M is pretty cut up and angry about it, though; lucky Y's distracting him. They're playing around with a laser, for some reason. As for the actual project, A is most of the way through his work, I'm not but I'll be done eventually, and otherwise I'm not finding anything to say because it's the same as last week. Anyway, I'm out of here.

Monday 5 December 2011

2nd December, 2011

I'm starting to get worried about how much we still have to do. I've only just started the powerpoint, and I only have one piece of written work, the section on art. The problem is that I keep thinking of new things that i have to include in art. Last week it was capoeira, this week it's literature.
Our group doesn't work together too well. A was sort of off to the side, and i don't even know whether he worked, let alone what he did. M and Y work really well together- even if we switch groups at son^me point, they should really be kept together.
I've started on the Powerpoint, although i quite frankly can't stand making those things. I have the one piece of overly long written work,and i can do the rest at home.
I haven't found any one especially good site yet, except for the UN one. It's pretty comprehensive as far as the arts go.
Unfortunately, i don't think our presentation is going to stand out. None of us have anything interesting yet, and I'm worried that we'll just be boring. Still, if we're thorough, it'll make up for it.

Friday 25 November 2011

Reflections 25 November 2011

Today, I really got a lot of work done. We've decided on a few people to interview, and M will do the honors. He'll interview his grandparents. I actually think I haven't been able to focus well, but at least i know where I'm going. A wasn't here-hes in rome- but we managed to work well enough anyway and get a lot done . Ms cronil or something similar- i didn't catch her name- visited and watched us.she seems pretty cool.

Friday 18 November 2011

reflections on 18th November 2011

i haven't really managed to achieve much in the sense of research and writing. I never can when i'm around a lot of people, but at least i've got a few things written down about my topic, and a couple of sites,so i have some progress. it's amazingly difficult to find any website with the information properly written and comprehensive except wikipedia,which i'm reluctant to use, since it's not always reliable and everyone uses it anyway. no problems came up, thankfully, so no problem-solving for today. M and Y worked together, but A and I just worked alone for the most part, while we did work together a bit by sharing ideas and good websites. we prepared for next week by saving our information, tho i'm not sure that counts since we'll be working (at least i hope) at home as well. M is going to have to do the most work out of all of us, since he's going to do the same amount of written work as me, plus the interview (his mom) plus getting all the really cultural resources that you only know if it's your country.
Til next week,